Travis Brigman

Software Developer

About Me

I grew up outside of Atlanta, GA and moved to Nashville to work in recording studios. I did that for a few years and it was a lot of fun. I worked on some cool records and made a lot of great friends. For a lot of reasons I transitioned into AVL systems integration. I helped design and install sound systems, broadcast video systems, room control systems and theatrical lighting systems. Clients ranged from a tiny church in the middle of Indiana corn fields to the Grand Ole Opry House. I learned a ton about process, communication and how teams interact. It was during this time that I got my CSM I Scrum Master Certification. I am now starting a new chapter in my professional career as a software developer. It's a job that I thought I could never have because I didn't go to MIT or build my first computer when I was 3. But over time I realized that development is primarily about solving problems and my time in studios and integration taught me loads about problem solving. So here I am. Doing the thing I thought I could do. Check out what I've built and read from others that I've worked with what it's like to work with me.

